The first thing people realize when they join a network marketing company is that they have a lot to learn in a short period of time. They have to learn the specifics of their new company, but not only that, they also have to learn how to talk to people about their business opportunity and it’s products. Yet people don’t really take the time to learn the most important skill in this industry– which is marketing.
There are many ways to market, but nowadays the most effective approach is marketing on the internet. The internet has by far the widest audience to market to. There is no where else you can write one post about your business, and millions have access to seeing it. There are many places small business owners go to market online including MLM discussion forums, but the most popular avenue is on the various social media platforms. These would include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube and others. There is a big difference between marketing online as opposed to marketing offline. When deciding to market your MLM online through social media, there are a few do’s and don’ts that you must to be aware of.
- Don’t over post. No one wants to see the same posts over and over again. This will quickly annoy any friends that you have generated.
- Don’t add friends and fans just to have a high follower count. Make sure you have a strong connection with the fans you do have.
- Don’t make income claims. This refers to anyone who’s only interest is to tell everyone how great their business opportunity is.
- Don’t recruit everyone to your MLM that you meet online. This can ruin your reputation before your business has a chance to get off the ground.
- Build a genuine following by giving out helpful information to your friends and followers.
- Add a few friends or followers every day. Seek out those who are connected to you in some way, be it MLM, social media or other common interests.
- Build relationships! This should be your number one goal, and share something personal about yourself when you are requesting friendship.
- Provide information of value so people have a reason to engage in conversation and return for more tomorrow.
- Think of social media as a party. Mingle around, get to know people, be friendly, and after both people have had a chance to get to know each other, then and only then, can you talk business.
Just always remember when you are marketing with social media, you are not only marketing the opportunity and MLM company you have signed up with, you are marketing your self! People will sign up with you over less experienced marketers because you have created a true and lasting relationship through your social media channels… Most importantly, have fun out there!
Now if you’re going to market your MLM through social media, then these are some great tips to get you started. But this is just the beginning. To build up a solid foundation and confidence in your MLM company, we recommend The 20 Minute Belief System so when the topic of your opportunity arises you will have answers to any questions your fans may have. If you are still unsure about delving into social media or if you want to advertise on any of the social media platforms. it’s also advisable to consult with a professional Social Media agency .
Social Revolution has helped many advanced network marketers create thriving social media empires.