Thursday, November 29, 2012

Network Marketing Skills to Learn

Earlier today I came across a post that stated network marketing sales skills where easy to learn. I found that kind of odd after watching numerous people over the course of the past seven years watching and observing people.

While the outline of the sales process is easy to understand, it is the implementation of it that is extremely difficult. Maybe it explains why so many people still struggle today.

Recently I had a lady call me, she had a bachelors degree in marketing and sales. Yet, her approach left a lot to be desired. She obviously thought that I was a prospect and wanted to 3-way me into a call.

I guess that’s just part of the process she had learned. Still I’ve had many individuals with years of sales experience come into network marketing and fail when it came to recruiting individuals.

Many of them discovered that it was much easier to reach out to their warm-market and find success. But, when they tried to duplicate that with their new downline it proved to be difficult at best.

So back to the statement that network marketing sales skills are easy to learn. Without consistent action and contact with prospects it would be almost impossible to arrive at some level of competence.

We are better off to stop stressing over learning exactly how to say our 30 second infomercial just right and simply enjoy talking to more and more people.

Getting to know them, discovering what it is they are looking for. Maybe we’ll find a fit for our business opportunity or maybe not.

Network Marketing Tip: Offer First the Best

A new study out of Harvard says most people will like what they see first as best. As Network Marketers, how will this affect our offers? An article in the Economist Magazine caught my eye with the headline, “IS THIS the first article you read today? If so, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy it.”

What they have proven is what people experience first affects their opinion of them: they tend to like the first option best. A new study by Dana Carney of Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard University shows some important results for online marketers.

This flies in the face of the common online marketing idea that people need to see three options and will pick the middle one. We now know that is not true!

They conducted a series of experiments. In one volunteers were shown pictures of two violent criminals. They were then asked which one deserved parole. Most felt more merciful towards the first one they were shown. Subsequently volunteers were shown different pictures first.

What they have shown is that these biases effect commercial decisions, too. They asked which type of chewing gum they preferred and 68% of respondents at a railway station in Boston picked the first stick they were offered. In another, volunteers wanting to buy a car showed they more often wanted to buy a car from the first salesperson they met rather than the second.

In their paper, “First is Best”, they state the first option in a series will be “consistently preferred” if the chooser is under time pressure or slightly distracted. Thanks to mobiles, meetings and toddlers that pretty much describes modern life for many people.

Clever companies have noticed, and compete to bump whatever they are selling to the front of the queue. Did you know the the first slot in an advertisement break on television costs more than the second; it’s roughly 10-15% more. Advertising firms themselves like to go first when pitching for an account saying, “It sets the benchmark for everybody else,” according to Bridget Angear of AMV BBDO, an advertising agency.


People are lazy. they don’t scroll through dozens of pages of search results, says Kate Devine of, a dating website. The site tracks participation to reward its most loyal customers. When a woman enters search criteria for for a potential match, the matches appear in an order determined by the last time those potential matches logged on to the site. This is good for traffic, but the most suitable matches may not show in the top results. Many other sites provide results the same way, meaning your results might not be the best suited to you but based on the last people that logged in (most desperate).

The most important place to be first is on Google! Because Google has become so powerful it has come under increasing pressure to make its search algorithm more open. The online giant recently started punishing websites that infringe copyright by listing them further down. This will make anyone that owns a web site put Google first and prominent on their sites. Once this has been done the visitors and traffic will follow.


1) Present your best offer first. Do not present three offers assuming they will take the middle one. Research now shows that is not the case. Pitch your best offer first and then step down.

2) Google+ is the most dominant search engine in the industry. Make sure you create a Google+ page for your site and link to it from the site. When you create the page on Google+ for your site you will see a link that says “Link to Site”. MAKE SURE YOU DO THAT!

Network Marketing With Social Media

The first thing people realize when they join a network marketing company is that they have a lot to learn in a short period of time. They have to learn the specifics of their new company, but not only that, they also have to learn how to talk to people about their business opportunity and it’s products. Yet people don’t really take the time to learn the most important skill in this industry– which is marketing.

There are many ways to market, but nowadays the most effective approach is marketing on the internet. The internet has by far the widest audience to market to. There is no where else you can write one post about your business, and millions have access to seeing it. There are many places small business owners go to market online including MLM discussion forums, but the most popular avenue is on the various social media platforms. These would include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube and others. There is a big difference between marketing online as opposed to marketing offline. When deciding to market your MLM online through social media, there are a few do’s and don’ts that you must to be aware of. 


- Don’t over post. No one wants to see the same posts over and over again. This will quickly annoy any friends that you have generated.

- Don’t add friends and fans just to have a high follower count. Make sure you have a strong connection with the fans you do have.

- Don’t make income claims. This refers to anyone who’s only interest is to tell everyone how great their business opportunity is.

- Don’t recruit everyone to your MLM that you meet online. This can ruin your reputation before your business has a chance to get off the ground.


- Build a genuine following by giving out helpful information to your friends and followers.

- Add a few friends or followers every day. Seek out those who are connected to you in some way, be it MLM, social media or other common interests.

- Build relationships! This should be your number one goal, and share something personal about yourself when you are requesting friendship.

- Provide information of value so people have a reason to engage in conversation and return for more tomorrow.

- Think of social media as a party. Mingle around, get to know people, be friendly, and after both people have had a chance to get to know each other, then and only then, can you talk business. 

Just always remember when you are marketing with social media, you are not only marketing the opportunity and MLM company you have signed up with, you are marketing your self! People will sign up with you over less experienced marketers because you have created a true and lasting relationship through your social media channels… Most importantly, have fun out there!

Now if you’re going to market your MLM through social media, then these are some great tips to get you started. But this is just the beginning. To build up a solid foundation and confidence in your MLM company, we recommend The 20 Minute Belief System so when the topic of your opportunity arises you will have answers to any questions your fans may have. If you are still unsure about delving into social media or if you want to advertise on any of the social media platforms. it’s also advisable to consult with a professional Social Media agency . Social Revolution has helped many advanced network marketers create thriving social media empires.
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